Herald Argus - Congress is Dysfunctional


By: Joe Bock
By: Joe Bock
Date: Oct. 23, 2014
Location: South Bend, IN

By Joe Bock

I am Joe Bock, and I am running for Congress in the Second Congressional District against Jackie Walorski.

Our Congress is dysfunctional. The government shutdown is an example of how broken government is. Jackie Walorski was instrumental in causing the government shutdown, costing our economy an estimated $24 billion.

When Jackie Walorski was in the State Legislature, she publicly opposed leasing the Toll Road, but then voted in favor of it. We can't afford to elect people to public office who give in to special interest pressure or demands of party leaders. This lease was not in the best interests of the people of northern Indiana. The state received a lump sum payment on the front end for short-term projects while surrendering a revenue stream for 75 years. It was like a corporate CEO making changes to a company that looks good for the moment, then getting million dollar bonuses and leaving, while crippling the company for years to come.

I've been in the trenches. I worked as a hired hand on a farm and was a professional firefighter. I've worked at Notre Dame for close to eight years. Most of my career has been responding to disasters. I know how to work with people of very different world-views to make things happen.

Jackie Walorski supports privatizing Social Security. I will not gamble with the hard-earned benefits of seniors. She voted to take away the Medicare guarantee, which would cost seniors thousands of dollars out of pocket. I will strengthen Medicare. She voted to give tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas. I will oppose such giveaways that hurt American workers.

We desperately need bold and imaginative leadership. I would be grateful for your support, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent.
